A full suite corporate governance data and information, providing users with on-demand consolidated voting records of the institutional investor community, including through Form N‑PX voting records and investors voluntary voting record disclosures.
Try for FreeSingle view of Insitutional voting records.
View proposals and related voting data.
Historical estimates of proxy advisory recommendations.
Ownership positions with a more meaningful perspective.
Consolidated voting records of the institutional investor community.
includes over 1,800 letters since 2014 proxy season.
15+ million voting records captured annually; synthesized and assigned to institutional investors based on voting authority. Collected records provide a comprehensive view of the institutions voting practices at both a macro and individual proposal level.
Over 28,000 proposals and voting results captured annually that provides users with an accurate view of the latest trends in corporate governance. Our on-demand reporting mechanism provides concise reporting that is easily sharable with other members of their team.
Proxy Analytics provides clients with estimates of proxy advisory firm vote recommendations on a historical basis for many of the proposals tracked. We then calculate the advisory firm's influence over institutional voting practices on both an absolute and relative basis using a proprietary methodology. The relative score, referred to as the Proxy Analytics Advisory Influence (PAAI), is integrated into various aspects of the platform including in our institutional ownership intelligence and reporting functionality.
Understanding institutional ownership is an important component to understanding the latest trends in
corporate governance. Proxy Analytics captures the quarterly voting disclosures made by institutional
investors that detail their equity positions in publicly-traded companies.
What makes our institutional ownership intelligence qualitatively different from others is our focus on the voting authority and not just the beneficial ownership positions that other providers disclose. Our data is augmented to include insight into advisory firm subscriptions and our proprietary PAAI scoring to correctly gauge advisory firm influence over individual investors.
Shareholder proposals are often challenged at the SEC level before they ever appear on a proxy ballot. Proxy Analytics monitors request to the SEC for no action relief and the responses to those requests on a daily basis. Our database includes over 1,800 letters dating back to the 2014 proxy season with search functionality that makes accessing information incredibly easy.